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In groups, we will be making やたい (food stalls) to sell your いちばん好きなたべもの. This should be a dish that if significant to you and your family. It could be a dish that your family will always bring to potlucks or something that you would want to be able to make even when you go off for college or move away.




Step 1: (due 4/21-22)


Think about a dish in your family that is significant to you and your family. Bring the recipe to class.


Step 2: (due 5/11-12)


On a paper that is 8 ½ by 11 in. you will each need to advertise your own dish. Include the following:


  • A picture/photo of your dish

  • A ねだん (price) for your dish in yen- Look up what the actual price of your dish would be in a restaurant or a store and convert it to yen based on recent yen rates. (ie: 1 dollar = 120 yen so a spam musubi that cost 2 dollar would be 240 yen.)

  • A description of your recipe in Japanese. What are the ingredients in it? Where does this dish come from? How does it taste? (Salty, sweet, spicy, etc)


Helpful vocabulary:

しょっぱい- (Adj) salty

あまい- (Adj) sweet

カリカリ- (Noun) crispy

(potato chips, fried fish, etc)

ぽかぽか- (Noun) steamy/hot foods

ふわふわ- (Noun) fluffy

さくさく- (Noun) crispy and light

ぬるぬる- (Noun) slimy (eel)

べたべた- (Noun) sticky

さらさら- (Noun) Long and not sticky (noodles)

からい- (Adj) Spicy


We will be forming our やたい groups based on the similarities or themes of your dishes. Make sure to bring this to class on the due date.


Step 3: (on 5/15-18)


We will be doing an in-class essay to share the significance of your dish. Prepare a bubble map to chart out your plan for this essay: What makes this particular dish special to you? Why do you like this particular dish? Who makes this dish? When do you eat this? Where is this dish from? Describe your dish- what does it look like, what’s in it, etc. (2.3.2)


Step 4: (5/15-18)


Bring materials to build your やたい. Feel free to be creative, but make sure that you have the following on your やたい:

  • A name for your やたい- Think about the similarities or the theme of your dishes and create a name that encompasses these characteristics of your dishes. Post the name and put it on the top of your やたい as a banner, sign, etc.

  • A list of prices for your dishes. Use the prices from your advertisements as the medium sized portion and create a menu of all your dishes collectively.

  • The advertisements that were completed earlier must also be somewhere on your やたい.


Step 5:  (on 5/21-22)


Prepare your dish to be shared with the class. Divide your dish into small portions and within those portions, make a small, medium and “large” sized portions. Make sure that you have enough for everyone in class (Period 3- 16 people + 1 せんせい, period 5- 15 people+ 1 せんせい, period 7- 23 people + 1 せんせい)


In your やたい groups you will need to sell all of your items and each member in your group will need to buy every dish from each やたい. You will each be acting as the みせの人 as well as the おきゃくさん. Engage in conversations appropriately, make small talk with the おきゃくさん and use the set phrases and social expressions in Japanese. This is an assessment, not an activity so use this as a means to show off your Japanese skills. These conversations need to be recorded using a phone, Ipod, or a recording device. (2.1.1 & 2.1.2)




You will be buying each item from the やたい and buy various sizes of the dishes. You will only have a set amount of money so make sure that you will have enough. Engage in conversation with the みせの人 and ask questions about the different items and even ask the みせの人 about what they think about the dishes.




The various おきゃくさん will come to buy your dishes. Advertise the qualities of your various dishes. Total up the dishes and give change appropriately.




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