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-Clearly and accurately illustrates the similatiries and differences, as compared to English, in the grammatical structures and patterns of the target language

-Clearly and accurately demonstrates a clear understanding of the similiarities and differences through the application of introduced grammar and vocabulary

-Accurately applies appropriate grammatical/pattern rules to communicate intended meaning efficiently and effectively

-Demonstrates commanding control over acquired vocabulary through accurate and effective application to illustrate intended meaning

Comparisons: Understand that different languages use different patters to communicate and apply this knowledge to the target and native languages.
WL.IS.Y2.5.1:  Describe similarities and differences in structural patterns of the language being learned and other languages.
Not met

-Accurately illustrates the similatiries and differences, as compared to English, in the grammatical structures and patterns of the target language

-Accurately demonstrates understanding of the similiarities and differences through the application of target grammar and vocabulary

-Accurately applies appropriate grammatical/pattern rules to communicate intended meaning efficiently and effectively

-Demonstrates control over acquired vocabulary through accurate and effective application to illustrate intended meaning

-Illustrates the some understanding of the similatiries and differences, as compared to English, in the grammatical structures and patterns of the target language

-Demonstrates some understanding of the similiarities and differences through sometimes flawed application of target grammar and vocabulary

-Applies some grammatical/pattern rules to communicate meaning, however application contains distracting errors that impede understanding

-Demonstrates some control over acquired vocabulary, however it may not illustrate intended meaning

-Illustrates the very little understanding of the similatiries and differences, as compared to English, in the grammatical structures and patterns of the target language

-Demonstrates very little understanding of the similiarities and differences through mostly flawed application of target grammar and vocabulary

-Applies very few grammatical/pattern rules to communicate meaning, as application contains distracting errors that impede understanding

-Demonstrates very little control over acquired vocabulary, as it may not illustrate intended meaning

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