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My Year in Japanese 2

Classes and Teachers


Introduce your classes and your teachers

Pick your four favorite classes and talk about them:

Where is the class located in relation to the school?

What is in the classroom? Where is the teacher's desk? Where is the whiteboard? How many desks? How many pencil sharpeners? Etc.

Which teachers do you like? Why do you like them? Which are your favorite classes?


When is your class? What is your schedule like? から~まで



・Use a variety of grammar patterns that were covered up to Topic 11.

・Create a bubble map to plan out what you will be talking about for each slide. Use adjectives and qualitative nouns to talk about your classes and your teachers. Work out sentence patterns and vocabulary.

・Don't write a script

・Create a collage slide that match up your pictures to your target details.


Prepare and upload your slides onto your VoiceThread account. This is a continuation of the previous My Year in Japanese series so please add on slides to that. Don't make a new one.

-Title slide

・Project Title- Create your own title

・Subtitle- Classes and Teachers




-Glossary slide

・Include new words and grammar patterns that were not covered.

・Give Japanese and English equivalents

-Picture slides

・Upload your pictures to create a collage for each section

・No Japanese writing on the slides


Save your slides as jpg pictures.



・Be sure to bring earphones/headphones

・Use the “Comment” button

・Minimum 4 sentences per slide. Comments should be relevant to the slide.

・20 minutes to record


Share your project with your period group when you are done.


My Year in Japanese 2- Final Installment

Topic 13


Along with introducing the remaining classes not covered in the previous My Year in Japanese 2 installment, you will need to describe the rules of your remaining classes and improve on what was said the previous time. Look over the feedback on Jupiter grades and see what comments were left and listen to what you said previously. Add on more than what you said previously.


Use a variety of grammar that was covered in topic 13:



Part of topic 13 was to explain rules using the てもいいです。and the てはいけません。Use these grammar patterns to explain what the rules are in each of the classes.



If a student were to take these classes next year, what type of advice would you give this student? 


Please study everyday. Please do homework. 


Other grammar patterns:


Qualitative nounなの

Noun1かNoun2Verb phrase

Noun 1もNoun 2もVerb phrase

Question 1それともQuestion 2


The second part of this project will be to narrate an activity that you attended this past year and give details:


Who: Who went to this event? Did you go by youself?

What: What is this event that you went to? What kind of event was it? What was there? Was there food? What kind of food?

Where: Where did this event take place?

When: When did this event take place?

Why: Give reasons for either why you did something or why you liked or disliked something. 

How: How did you get to this event? Or did it take place at your home? 


You need to have multiple slides to narrate this event. The first slide should be the setting and the rest should make some type of chronological sense. What happened first? What happened next? Make sure to make use of transition words.


Make sure that when you have completed the recording that it has been shared with your period group.

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