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わたしたち      まち




Student will create a miniature verson of a building/store based off of real versions of a building/store in Japan. Use a cardboard box and simply wrap it with paper and decorate it to match the real version as accurately as possible.

Image search the place in Japanese and pictures of the actual buildings should show up. Don't just look at one place, but look at several to get an idea of what to do. Be creative!




The building has to be unique enough so that it accurately represents the building/store. Think about the key characteristics. For example what would be outside a Florist?


The building/store needs to have a Japanese name. You can take the name of a real place or you can even use the name of a store in an anime or drama. If you are doing one of the convenience stores, McDonald's, or KFC, then you already have the name of the store, but write it in Japanese (ファミリーマート,マクドナルド, etc) Most places will have the name written in English, you can write the English, but it must also have the Japanese as well.


Please write your name and period on the bottom of the box.




The building/store should not be larger than a tissue box, but should not be smaller than a 8 oz. milk carton (the school lunch sized ones).

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