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Events & Special Activities

The World Language Learning Center is honored to work with our outstanding teachers, friends and community supporters in order to offer our students varied experiences both in and out of the classroom. These are a few of our past events.

Moanalua-Hiroshima Kokutaiji Sr. High Sister-School Exchange

October 17, 2014

​Every fall, Hiroshima Kokutaiji Senior High School sends their entire Junior class to Hawaii for their class trip. The entire World Language department participates with their students in the day's festivities. Last year, we started with an opening ceremony, continued with small group conversations, and a campus tour lead by our mighty seniors. After lunch all the classes got together to teach their activities and do their group presentations. The highlight of the day was the Kokutaiji performance for the entire school during lunch on the football field. We look forward to many more years of wonderful exchanges. This year, they will be visiting us on Friday, October 17, 2014.


Hiroshima Kokutaiji Sr. High Teacher Exchange

October 9 to November 9, 2012


Mr. Kazufumi Mori, an English teacher from Kokutaiji Sr. High School, is here to do observations and research. His main focus is learning about our school system, teaching methods, student activities and school environment. He will be visiting and observing various classes throughout campus. He is taking video to document his observations, however it is for research purposes only and will not be published.

Students and teachers are encouraged to speak with him to find out more about our sister-school, Japan and the educational differences.

Otsukimi-Moon Viewing Activity

October 29, 2012


The Japanese classes will hold it's first Otsukimi - Moon Viewing Activity on Monday, Oct. 29 from 5:30 pm until 7:30 pm at Moanalua High School. Participants will bring their own unique bento as part of a cultural awareness event and enter the Bento Contest. 

As the moon rises, students will take their inspiration from the beautiful atmosphere to write Haiku. Mr. Mori will assist the students in creating their visions through this ancient art form.

2013 World Language Speech Festival

Saturday, March 9, 2013 

All World Language students will prepare unique speeches on various topics to present at our 9th Annual World Language Speech Festival held at Moanalua High School. They will be joined by other interested students from DOE public schools across the state. Many post-secondary instructors, private school teachers, native speakers  and volunteers will give up their time to participate in this great event.

Visiting School Activity - Noda High School

November 15, 2012


Miss Migita's and Mr. Fukada's Japanese classes hosted 52 students from Noda High School, Yamaguchi Prefecture for a morning of conversation and activities. The morning started with a gift exchange, then conversations and sharing. The Moanalua students then took the visiting students on a short campus tour and introduced them to their friends. Upon returning to the cafeteria, the Noda students had an early lunch, then met a second set of students. They had a chance to talk and our students helped them create a chain of Thanks to add to the chain being prepared by the Student Activities coordinator.

Sister-School Homestay Hosting Activity 

January, 2013


Moanalua High School is currently taking applications for students and families that are willing and able to host students from our Sister-School, Hiroshima Kokutaiji Sr. High School in January, 2013. The exact dates have yet to be determined, however, families should expect to have the visiting students for about 3 weeks.

We are expecting to host 3 students. Families will be responsible for getting the visiting students to and from school, include them in all family activities, take them on some site-seeing excursions on the weekends and provide for meals. No monetary compensation is available at this time.

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